Friday, September 30, 2011

Attachment Day3 24Aug2011

Attachment Day3 24Aug2011

Ward 2A

Okay, today I went early as usual, joining the morning po and follow the morning round. And there’s this Dr. I just kenal. Dr Lum Lee Chin. I’ve seen her yesterday but only for a while so today, I just kenal her since HAHA, she said to me, ‘’Sorry I don’t know you.’’ And time tu lah I tell her who am I. :P

Okay, so for today…I can’t remember much but hey, I enjoyed myself getting to know items in medical room;bilik kelengkapan perubatan and also treatment room;bilik rawatan. Hm.. I;m not sure to tell you items there cause it’s too much and not important now. But still, I’ll share some where I think you guys need to know or might be of interest. So, we have, disposable glove and sterile glove, vials and ampoules, pipelle, speculum; disposable and metal. Yesterday, Dr. Khiu tell me several things of the wards and show me where sharps are disposed in; there’s a bin for the sharps to be disposed of. There are 3 bins; 1 sharps, 1 domestic bin and 1 for any clinical waste like tissue fluid, blood, smear, etc etc.

Oh, and I also curi2 time looking around and also after asking Dr. Aisyah, there’s ward 1A and 1B; Ob, labor room, screening room, ward 2A; Gynae and Onco, and clinic which also including EPAU.

Bercakap ttg Dr. Aisyah, I went down for 2 times because looking for her. And at the first time looking for her, I learnt that there’re 3 to 4 staffs with the same name; Aisyah. There’s 2 for specialist, 1 for the staff nurse and the other one xsure. MO kot. Kot lah. So, after the first time went down to ward 1A, 1B; where I met other specialist name Dr Aisyah too and get to the clinic, I met her at the clinic after my 2nd attempted. So, met her, talk abt my day, learnt a thing or two from her past exp mainly her attachment previously and tips and advices for me while doing attachment, I went up after thanked her.

Later, after puas sembang kejap ngn Dr. Aisyah, I went up and get to the counter as usual and get down and read BHT which is on que for discharge summary and also any case admitted I take interest in. At the same time, I also look out for chances to see Dr.s doing U/S in the bilik rawatan. Well, it’s my activity since yesterday too. And so today I got another chance and this time also, Dr Aziemah again set the speculum on for transvaginal U/S. Well, seems like most HO here asked her to do it because they dunno. At one time, I follow in, Dr Khiu minta tolong get the spirit alcohol for him, I dunno where and haha, Dr Aziemah marah, ‘’Bukan kat sini.’’, she scolded me haha. I don’t mind, really. What I mind is if I am of trouble to her and annoyed her being there tu je. And if yes, I’m sure she’ll tell me. (: So, I got marah by her, I mean, she’s annoyed je lah kot, well, as I said before, MO quite tempered here haha. Banyak keje kot.~ Jadi leader lg.~ Husnuzon.~ :D So, Dr. Khiu help me with the location and then ask me to fill the sample bottle cause they’re taking cervical smear for Paps test. Then she asked for tissue and I kelam kabut amek haha. But then, the 2nd and 3rd time she ‘s inserting the speculum and do the TV scan, she suddenly asked me if I wanna see cervix. :O It’s a little surprising but then I tengoklah. She’s kind indeed. I am sure of it haha. Except that I think it’s quite pressuring lah being a  MO. Dunno why but seen them with temper make me conclude it that way but hey, they’re actually nice. Only at a times do they get soak in the temper and also, there’re still MO yg x garang sgt pun. Nak tao sape? Wait lah for my other Days coming. :D And I get the chance twice, she let me see it and says, ‘’Haa~, napak kan, lain kan.’’ (:

And she also can laugh lah and senyum2 too among other HOs. She even asked them to learn doing the TV U/S, asyik dok mitak tlg dia je.~ Bila nak blaja. Hehhe. I heard that. :P

After that, I went to the counter and get a BHT of this one pt and started to copy everything on it and btw, she’s discharging today. And my BHT? Dr. sebok nak pakai. =.=’’ tulah time 2nd time I went and get Dr. Aisysah. :D By the time I went back here, I get the whole time copying the BHT. Ibu asked me to do that if I have nothing to do. And it’s a good thing lah. You’ll learn the pattern and get some idea of how Dr. clerk the pt, the am/pm review, and much terms and shorthand you don’t know of.

I’ll share some here..not everything lah sbb xlarat nak type hoi.~ :P  s/b; seen by, p/w; present with, SVD; spontaneous vaginal delivery, Cx; clinically, HPE; histopathology excision, POA; product of conception, c/o; complain of, NAD; nicotinamide adenine lah~…Nothing Abnormal Detected. :P , mn; midnight, cm; coming morning, MOT; maternity operation theatre, GOT; general OT *I dunno the diff bet GOT and MOT =.=’’*, BSP; blood sugar profile, UFEME; urine full examination microscopy examination. And hey, good things also go thru the BHT is that you get to see/know how they plan for management. (:

Okay, these are my sharing for you guys. You can skip if you want to. I think there’s additional traits we should acquire. It’s not obligate must some of the you’ll need of and some are of good benefit if you have. These are; fast clear talker, fast walker *inspired by Dr. Khiu :P*, efficient/cekap, good memory, good services, professional, smile, relax and no panic, good skills, speed writer, speed reader, good listener, good at congak cause sometime simple calc are of needed, being an Islamic role model *inspired by Dr Zainßwho? You’ll know later.*, soft skills, social skills and time management skills. Share with the world if you can. (: And a good thing is if you can speak Multilanguage sbb in GH, esp in Mys, we are of multiracial country and also better if you can learn of their culture a little cause it does play a role esp when you’re taking history and clerking a pt. (: And also, based on my exp, we also have Siamese come to GH and you….cant talk to them because they don’t understand you. The only way is to learn, even Dr pun ask the HO to tampal paper tulis; yes, no, sakit etc2 and I think depends on dept. since I am in OnG.

After the pm round, I, sat next to Dr. Khiu and ask him his b/ground etc2. So, we talk while he’s doing the discharge summary. And here, he also ask our systems and said that he’s learning gne old system since in Crimeastate *if xsilap* they use old system instead of us; integrated. Dak2 IMUs pun gne same system as us, I mean we used same as them. =.=’’

So, he then started to ask me random things abt studies like pop quiz lah. Then he asked abt this Leptospirosis. In this event, I’ve learnt something which I would like to share with you guys, and also one of the reason I love to tag along to him. When I can’t answer things *yeah, cam bangan, aku da study kuat2, aku bole lupe mende ak blaja sem ni ngn sem lepas???!!! =.=’’ * he ask me this L. Interroghans; what is interrhogans, the meaning and then I can’t answer so he said that in Latin, it means question mark. Form there I got the idea that we learnt the morphology is spiral with hook end , right? So, the morphology come from the name itself and he started also with others like staph and strept. Yes, and he did tell me, ‘’Did you curious how your parents give you your name? And you asked them, right?’’ And so he said to me that ‘’when he actually blaja, he always curious of things and question3 himself this and that and go find the answer. That way, you’ll keep yourself interested in studies and also x perlu menghafal like what they say, ‘membabi buta.’ ‘’haha. That word hit me, I mean makes me fall so much in admiration to him. You guys igt senna2 ke org mlayu nak ckp cam tu? Hue~ I like lah the way he inspired me like he always does.

So, driven by himself also, he asked me abt the system ctrling our body and I get 2; CNS and peripheral nervous system but you know what he said, ‘’there’s three and you are good cause you can answer two but to be a different doctor, you should know the 3rd.’’ and the answer is? APUD. HAHA. We learnt that in endocrinology block in histo right? I almost forgot it. Even in the GIT block also. =.=’’

And I really can’t stop smiling lah sbb dia nak nasihat me who I a malay? He;s not racial, I tell you. Everyone I met so far are not racial. (: So, when we finished talking and he;s still with the computer, I tell him to ask me any question, I’ll try my best to answer and if not, he’ll be giving me homework for that haha. And what did he says to me? Come to me if you’re seeking for the answer. :P

And shortly, there’s MRO; multi resistant organism. One of them? M.TB, and not tuberculosis; that’s a disease caused by it. Haha, kantoi lagi my answer. :P*DR. Khiu asked also*

Speculum= is a medical tool for investigating body cavities, with a form dependent on the body cavity for which it is designed. Like an endoscope, a speculum allows entry into a body cavity; endoscopes, however, tend to have optics while a speculum is intended for direct vision.
Sharps= any needle/sharp instrument like syringe, needles and branula.
EPAU=early pregnancy assessment unit
U/S=ultra sound *salu terigt ultra scan. =.=’’*
Pap smear test= papanicolaou test for cervical cancer
GH= general hospital
MRO= multi resistant organism

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