Thursday, July 31, 2008

huhu..thnx lot2..4 d advice.

thnx alot 4 d nak ckp ek..ny ad bnda nak ckp smalam tp komp slow so xle ny bar nak post..sib baik iezzaty
btau soh save n copy tmt len dlu..k..kl ckp ek..

slm..huhu..lupa nak btau yg kaklong leader bg group bi 4 role..leader reader summariser reporter..
tiap org akan 2ka kali ny 1st time group ktorg start dorg plh..yg plh 2 sorg..atirah..
dy plh kl n tetu kan role act abit as a leader now copare yesterday when we are discussing..

kl ask help fr ibuabah n others...2dayi call them n wediscuss our group name n ides..

theydidnt ave new ideas and so i coe out with this ideas which ibu abah give..but then boys sume (2 org) reject gitu jer..
xpertimbangkan ap yg dorg da blaja sal brainstorming..teruk!!...yg teruk 2 yg sorang 2.azri...skati makbapak dy je nak reject..
kurg2 pn consider la sket..ideas yg dy bg hr 2 pun bkan bernas sgt...kl xske cara dy ckp n rejct pndapat org len..marah giler time 2...
tp cover lah...igt esk time anta draft sok nak share probs ny ngan mr.pritam..huhu..sday n marah..nk tgk sama ada mr pritam akan kata ideas
ny x creative cam dorg ckp or not..tapi bab nak share dgn mr pritam xjadilah..

Some tips for your work there, take those useful one ok.

Aslm klong.
Maaf kerana silap faham maksud homework tu. Pelik juga assignment tu. Looks like that boy david is not a good to complete his assignments but still score and excel.
Excuses yang abah beri tu main-main saja, logiknya tak penting cuma the idea that matter. Everything around us from past, present and future can be turned into something, always, once we give a thought.
Important quality of good parents: To make it simple and short, parents must be able to motivate, monitor, lead, and scold/reward children. While at the same time becoming frends to their children. If parents can become a hero and solve all mathematics, physics etc then it is better. Parents must have the quality/ability to think beyond their children, so that at least tak kena tipu etc. Parents must learn life long to ensure that they have all the skills, knowledge and idea to handle their children dari perut ibu, lahir, besar, remaja, dewasa, tua....macam in the cartoon below at the end of this page.
Pergi air terjun is not bad activity but must jaga batasan pergaulan, that is important. Safety too.
Senior coming is good opportunity. Perhaps you can ask the following: things to do/not to do, things to bring/not to bring to Mesir, how to ask parents send money from Msia, how to get excellent result, kesihatan how, balik raya nanti how, etc. Probably you could imagine you going there from Oct till .... and just list all the questions for them.
Kereta baru.just another new car. Nanti bila balik jemputlah naik and feel it.
Life macam biasa saja? no! Change the way you think. Everyday is a brand new day. You must schedule and make it another success story in your life. At least not menyusahkan orang or better if today can help people to become better for the rest of their live. Dont let the day just gone like that, grab it as a special opportunity!
Ok till we meet again.
Jaga diri. Wassalam.

Thank you for the sharing in this blog.....

Malam nanti abah will write more, now tengah kerja.
Say sorry to iezzati sebab silap eja nama dia.
Talk later. Bye.

Wednesday, July 30, 2008

bukan xsiap hwork...

slm sumer....

bu t esk kl call.

thnx bah bg ideas...bes awi2..

iezzati(dy komplen name dy slh eja huhu) ckp blog ny nmpk best..dy rase cam nk soh famly dy buat gini gak....huhuhu..

like this...ktorag bukan cr alasan xnak buat hwork...ny actually hwork 4 ktorg..
hwork english...
assignment..ada boy name david doolittle(coz dy x buat hwork n keje byak)...dy sorg yg memang xpnah siapkan hwork tapi dy excellent..dy gak slalu terlepas dr punishment kos dy ada idea yg creative n bebeza stiap hari utk djadikan alasan tapi hari ny dy ada masalah nak bagi kitorgnye keje is cari idea xcuse utk david ny agar dy xkene punish dgn cgu dy...kene cari atleast 20 n then select 5 the most funny best creative n imaginative ideas that u have..then must present gune powerpoint..kitorg dalam gruop of four..

now english is more towards building confidence in speaking infront of group of pple..we all gak dpt notes on how 2 b a good speaker n dy punye point yg penting in being a good speaker..

hwork atas 2 brainstorming..huhu kitorg otak lebih pd fact mr.pritam ckp n so not too creative but still cn improve..ny actually help us 2 think out of box in a topic so we cn kupas byk point..

kwn kak long nak 1 point dr yg abah dy cakap.zatil cakap.dy kate xcuse ny lbh pd fact tp cam xreal la...lg pn kitorg kene creative n imaginative cam mr. pritam ckp.

english byk kene pake powerpoint..nex kaklong ada assignment 2 speak in4mal abt 1 topic tat i pick..kl pilih impotant qualiti of good parents..beter gak if ibuabah n sumer2 tlg cari in4 abt point dy(dia)..
kl dah ada pts tapi so far ada 3(meme nak 3 pn)..i.e guidance,excel n content..tiap pts kene elaborate wit 3-4 pts..if sume tlg ok gak..mlm ny kl online lg kot utk cek if abahibu ad pape pts 4 me since esk nak anta dy punye draft..nex wednesday tp draft kne anta sok..dy ajar 2lis pts kat nak ckp jus refer pts but not reading or memorize..

ktorg dah dpt card matrix tgh hari td..ebrary dah tau pake tp agak slow lah kos rame org pake..leceh gak kl ad pinjam book 4 refernce 4 chem presentation..1 buku sari leh pinjam 4 3 hari..

ahad ny ktorg ad pegy airterjun tp ad org ckp senior dr mesir dtg c ny buat citer2 pasal kat sane so mcm2 leh tny if nak tau...ada idea 4 kl 2 ask them???if ada plz add ek..thnx kos cam xda idea je nk tnye..

sofar 2 je kowt...tadi dpt borg abt procedures on claim @ buy notebok..t kl btau..

sday nyer xle rasmi kan keta..huhu..agaknye bile la kl leh naik ek?? lah ...2 je kat cny cam besa jer...t ada papa kl btau...slm..insyaallah online lg mlm slm syg kat sumer...fursatil saie'dah(tasharafna nahnu as a'd syukkran)..afwan.ilalliqaq(maassalamah)..boyboy(bye2 in egypt accent)..

Homework tak siap lagi? Our new car.

K long, too many short hands in the post so sorry if I could not understand clearly your request.
Insyaallah will inform all at home about the salam.
One thing before proceed, we already taken our new grand livina car today from melaka.
this is the foto... kat atas tu.
Apa yang kawan(izzaty) kata tentang blog simple ini? share lah!
minta excuse to delay home work is not a good request, we should look at it the other way round, just like a glass of water, is half empty or half full? Actually it is the same.... why not apply our creativity to get it done on time, at least you all can take it as a group project, title "Let's be ontime all the time any where any time, no problem"

Perhaps you can try this trick "Sorry cikgu we are not able to complete homework on time because

1. Rumput panjang sangat so we (as doctor to be) spend additional time merawat lembu yang tak makan rumput sebab sakit perut! Lembu pun takut jarum la.
2. Gravity stops last night hence although we wrote alot but our pen does not function (ink in the pen flow due to gravitational effects, if no gravity then ink tak keluar)

3. Yesterday the gravity was measure at 12.1m/ss instead of 9.8m/ss therefore all the homework papers when missing for several days. When gravity is higher (stronger) then .... like when the oxygen content in the atmosphere is slightly out then ....

4. Light refuse to travel at straight line, hence our eyes staring at the papers but could read a thing, nampak benda lain pula. hope cikgu understand.

Itu saja, dont be naughty. Jaga diri selalu, jadilah cemerlang setiap hari. Perhaps cemerlang is measured by never ponteng homework.


Tuesday, July 29, 2008

IM HERE!!!!!

HUHU KAK LONG DAH TAU BUKAK BLOG DAH HUHU...SLOW LEARNER..THNX 2 IEZZATY YG MMENYEMAK ny...dy tlg gak tgk kan...dy gak tlog cr jalan nak post komen huhu..

nk idea x???
ktorg kne cari idea yg creative n imaginative utk bg alasan to tcher y x siap my dog ate my yg klakar lg bgus...abh kreatif kan...tlg ek....kak lang ke ibu ke..sape2 je la...sok insyallah kl cek lg blog ny..pose ny...sok pn...nex isnin smbung blik...haha..k dadaa....ilalliqaq slm syg plus windu kat ibrahim...sday dy xda..kl promote ibrahimnye vdeo kat kwn hahahaha....k slm...

Friday, July 25, 2008

Ehm....yaasin dah hafal kah?

Mesti baca selalu sebab nanti boleh lesap!

Friday, July 18, 2008

Kak long kata dia mungkin akan bertolak pada 21 Sep bersama dengan batch pertama ke Mesir. Nampaknya raya kali ini tiada kak long lah. Sedihnya.
Marilah kita semua jaga iman amal soleh kita setiap hari. Pastikan makanan kita selalu halal dan bersih. Selalu doa agar kita terpelihara dari segala yang diluar kawalan kita.

Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Update dari ibu/abah.

klong dah balik hostel di kuantan selepas training di alor gajah melaka. itu saja. bila lah dokor ni nak belanja kita minum teh? bila dia nak post dalam laman ni?

Aslm semua

Good angah and klang for the sharing, cerita lah lagi for semua info.
As for the interview tu ibu/abah wish the best, semuga berjaya, kalau gagal sabar kalau berjaya syukur.

Nanti share lah pengalaman lepas interview dan pidato. ok.

Meeting ngan pengetua !!!!!!!!!!!!

Assalamualaikum sumerr
ari nie angah ada meeting ngan pengetua
pasal pemilihan kp
apa-apa pun pengetua nak tengok siapa yang boleh berpidato
so starting tomorrow, everyone gonna give speech at the assembly
angah nye turn ari jumaat ni
so doakan angah ye .....

angah 16 Julai 08

minggu depan lak ada interview ngan pentadbir ...

pengalaman ari nie

assalamualaikum sumerr ...
angah ......

saja jer nak citer kat korang yang ari ni ada ceramah kat sekolah pasal pharmacist

satu dia cakap pasal kerjaya sebagai seorang pharmacist and satu lagi dia cakap pasal penggunaan ubat-ubatan yang betul

n satu lagi angah happy ari nie coz dapat tolong sorg budak kelas angah makan ubat
huhu ....

dia sakit gusi....
n diia kena kunyah satu ubat yang pahit .....
pastu angah guna ar teknik psikologi yang ada masa citer pasal pendaki everest tu dulu....
masa dia makan ubat , angah citer ar pasal orang amerika ngan helang dia tu .... huuhu
ok ar tuje ...
kirim salam sume

Thursday, July 3, 2008

Kenapa masih tiada catatan dari anak-anak manja lagi?

Adakah you dont know how to write? or too slow to type your article, or semuanya terpendam dalam kepala/memori dan tak boleh di keluarkan dalam bentuk tulisan? Hello, hello....hello, hello.....Wassalam. Abah.

Nasihat abah agar anak-anak manja tak membuang banyak masa bila menggunakan internet, computer, telephone etc.

1. Bertenang.
2. Pastikan kita berdoa dahulu agar kita mendapat menafaat dari benda yang kita gunakan ini, doa agar kita terpelihara dari keburukannya.
3. Ambil sehelai kertas dan tuliskan tujuan kita kali ini. Apa yang kita cari sebenarnya. Lain-lain hal yang terlintas dalam kepala kita atau yang dilihat oleh mata kita maka kita tulis kan juga tetapi pastikan kita hanya buat apa yang dirancang terdahulu. Sekiranya ada masa barulah kita buat benda-benda lain tu.
4. Elok kita tetapkan masa untuk mission kita supaya kita tak use too much time, but if we have suficient time for other things ok lah. For a start, try limit the time to 20 minutes, after 20 min reconsider if you need more time to continue or you consider ask for help incase what you looking for is not found. Yang pastinya kita mesti guna cara ini untuk control diri kita.
5. Setelah selesai misi kita, maka ucapkan alhamdulillah, doa agar mendapat barokah dari misi kita kali ini, dan istighfar banyak-banyak manalah tau kita telah buat maksiat, melihat yang haram etc.

Semuga kamu semua akan terus berjaya, cemerlang setiap hari selamanya.
Tkasih. Abah. Wassalam.

Pesanan sepanjang masa, di mana jua.