Wednesday, July 30, 2008

bukan xsiap hwork...

slm sumer....

bu t esk kl call.

thnx bah bg ideas...bes awi2..

iezzati(dy komplen name dy slh eja huhu) ckp blog ny nmpk best..dy rase cam nk soh famly dy buat gini gak....huhuhu..

like this...ktorag bukan cr alasan xnak buat hwork...ny actually hwork 4 ktorg..
hwork english...
assignment..ada boy name david doolittle(coz dy x buat hwork n keje byak)...dy sorg yg memang xpnah siapkan hwork tapi dy excellent..dy gak slalu terlepas dr punishment kos dy ada idea yg creative n bebeza stiap hari utk djadikan alasan tapi hari ny dy ada masalah nak bagi kitorgnye keje is cari idea xcuse utk david ny agar dy xkene punish dgn cgu dy...kene cari atleast 20 n then select 5 the most funny best creative n imaginative ideas that u have..then must present gune powerpoint..kitorg dalam gruop of four..

now english is more towards building confidence in speaking infront of group of pple..we all gak dpt notes on how 2 b a good speaker n dy punye point yg penting in being a good speaker..

hwork atas 2 brainstorming..huhu kitorg otak lebih pd fact mr.pritam ckp n so not too creative but still cn improve..ny actually help us 2 think out of box in a topic so we cn kupas byk point..

kwn kak long nak 1 point dr yg abah dy cakap.zatil cakap.dy kate xcuse ny lbh pd fact tp cam xreal la...lg pn kitorg kene creative n imaginative cam mr. pritam ckp.

english byk kene pake powerpoint..nex kaklong ada assignment 2 speak in4mal abt 1 topic tat i pick..kl pilih impotant qualiti of good parents..beter gak if ibuabah n sumer2 tlg cari in4 abt point dy(dia)..
kl dah ada pts tapi so far ada 3(meme nak 3 pn)..i.e guidance,excel n content..tiap pts kene elaborate wit 3-4 pts..if sume tlg ok gak..mlm ny kl online lg kot utk cek if abahibu ad pape pts 4 me since esk nak anta dy punye draft..nex wednesday tp draft kne anta sok..dy ajar 2lis pts kat nak ckp jus refer pts but not reading or memorize..

ktorg dah dpt card matrix tgh hari td..ebrary dah tau pake tp agak slow lah kos rame org pake..leceh gak kl ad pinjam book 4 refernce 4 chem presentation..1 buku sari leh pinjam 4 3 hari..

ahad ny ktorg ad pegy airterjun tp ad org ckp senior dr mesir dtg c ny buat citer2 pasal kat sane so mcm2 leh tny if nak tau...ada idea 4 kl 2 ask them???if ada plz add ek..thnx kos cam xda idea je nk tnye..

sofar 2 je kowt...tadi dpt borg abt procedures on claim @ buy notebok..t kl btau..

sday nyer xle rasmi kan keta..huhu..agaknye bile la kl leh naik ek?? lah ...2 je kat cny cam besa jer...t ada papa kl btau...slm..insyaallah online lg mlm slm syg kat sumer...fursatil saie'dah(tasharafna nahnu as a'd syukkran)..afwan.ilalliqaq(maassalamah)..boyboy(bye2 in egypt accent)..

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