blaja physiology last saturday around 8-10am...GIT motility
and prof cakap sal milk and coffee and i also ask abt milk before bed..and here's the answer
coffee/tea (esp tea-org arab ske minum teh)
tea in morning is best go with milk because tea contain tannic acid which is astringent(belajar last sem-astringent dalam pharmacology). astringent can lead to constipation(sembelit) under certain factor yg nanti sy explain kendian hehe.
but milk, contain calcium which erm xigt gak..tapi relate to GIT motility i.e help defecation(mele.. hehehhe)..so it's good to train ourself to defecate in the morning..
ni sbb stomach kite time x makan still ade contraction(stomach in GIT is just like heart in CVS. it act as pump)..tapi slow wave by its own pacemaker(macam heart, ade pacemaker, xperlukan signal from brain-nervous system- utk pump heart) ...and if not eat, ade slow wave-BER contraction tapi akan stop after sometime because brain said maybe subject nak puasa so no contraction -esp during sleep- ..so during sleep kite xde cntrction in stomach but bgn and eat, once food masuk dalam mulut, MMC-migrating motor complex dalam GIT akan ter stimulate and lead to initiation of contraction of stomach. GIT motility also help defecation.
for milk before bed, klong ask and then prof. cakap, milk contain Ca(calcium). Ca in extracellular lead to active cell to calm..and relax..and it helps our body to rest. ^~^...
so...coffee and tea goes best with milk and milk before sleep is a good habit ^~^
er...fluid travel from oral cavity (mouth) to stomach about 6second so...hehe..kalau nak minum, atleast tgu 5min b4 recumbent (lying down) ^~^
from doctor of 2014 ^~^
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