Assalamualaikum w.b.t
Dear,friends. .
These are our whole new practical schedule after the shift to mowasal
hospital (27/3)..The new lecture schedule will be post later on..
Insya-Allah. .
Accompany to our shift,there are few announcements need to
be concern of..Please read it carefully till the end :
1)All of our practical classes will held at the mowasal hospital EXCEPT
ICDL & SKILLS classes which will be conduct at the Convention center
-There'll be some time given for excuses for us rushing to the
convention center after finish up the lecture..
- Refer to the schedule carefully,note that your PBL & Skill
classes are not on the same time..
-The PBL & skills classes will be alternately to each other same as usual we're having right now,it's just the time has change..
Next week,Section 3 will have their PBL class (tuesday--> 8 -
10 a.m) without having skill class by that week..Week later,they will
having their skills class (Sunday --> 4 - 6 p.m) without having
PBL class by that week..
-the same situation of what we having right now,it's just there are
changes of time between PBL & skills..
-PBL will be conducted on the mowassal hospital..Insya- Allah..
-regards the ethics which is the same on with the PBL..there is no
confirmation regards of how it will be conduct but any
information& confirmation, i'll forward it later on..
-there is one overlapping between Patho(gross) of section 4 & 6 which are on the
same day & class (class 6 floor 2)..There is
still no confirmation about the overlap..Insya- Allah,i'll forward
it later if there is any changes about it..
4)Please cross the road carefully as it is really concern of how
crowded the road was especially by afternoon..I hope all of us concern
on of our safety margin during crossing it..
There are all the announcements about or whole new schedule..Sorry about the long annoucements. .
Any problems regards it,you may refer to your Head & Head's
assistant of your section as they've being briefly explained regards the new schedule..also you may ask any of your SR..
Last but not least,I hope you'll enjoy of our whole new day at mowassal
hospital..Best of luck in your studies..thank you
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