Friday, April 30, 2010
terima kasih
hehe...salam..thanx sebab ingat kan kak long ape yang kak long lupa and add-on ^~^
ni utk ibu ngan abah hari tu hehehehehe
Tuesday, April 27, 2010
Saturday, April 24, 2010
to kak long
list pesanan untuk anda...
1. kopiah 4 abah, angah, uda, ibrahim
2. telekung mesir untuk ibu
3. one drop untuk kak teh
4. parfume 4 me
5. coklat 4 all
6. celak mekah 4 kaklang
7. shirt 4 angah
nanti kte sambung...
1. kopiah 4 abah, angah, uda, ibrahim
2. telekung mesir untuk ibu
3. one drop untuk kak teh
4. parfume 4 me
5. coklat 4 all
6. celak mekah 4 kaklang
7. shirt 4 angah
nanti kte sambung...
Thursday, April 8, 2010
my curiosity
salam, hehe.
kaklong just piker, but so far study is okay
just curious. and nak tanye abah. hehe. sal academic lah.
kalo abah lah kan, study amek 10 subjek, semua kene bace, utk study lah, and abah ade lectures utk all subjects, then abah also ade practicals utk that subj.
abah akan amik midterm exam, nanti abah akan dpt asimen utk 15marks utk final exm yang abah kene present depan prof. and students, abah juga ade exam practical.
exam midterm tu abah amik skali je, sbb satu paper, dan die integrated mean, all 10 subj. ade dalam satu paper tu. kalo asimen plak, depend on prof. and subject to change, sbb xsemua 10 subj kne present dlm same week but kdg2 abah ade 2 3 asimen dlm seminggu. pastu abah ade practical xm, cam asimen gak, ikut time practical class, and kdg2 might be 2 3 pract xm in a week.
camne abah study utk semua exam yg berbeza time and continuously hidup dlm xm? sbb all xm berterusan. and exam ni utk satu sem dan melibatkan marks utk final sem xm jugak.
erm, midterm tu utk tiap block, dlm satu sem around 2 3 block, so far abah ade 3 blocklah satu sem. dan satu block tu ada 10 subj and satu subj ade byk topic to study.
camne abah pastikan all subj tu abah habis study, including practical and lectures and bace buku and buat not, apart from buat soalan? yang penting is buat soalanlah kan tapi, camne abah maintain semua nye abah study and igt? and still fresh?
curious sbb, klong study dan hafal (sekali baca je), tapi xhafal ayat buku lah, study hafal faham dan buat soalan plus salin balik notes klong dalam lectr (sbb klong xkan buat notes and belum tentu lg bace notes so mende yg xde dlm buku je klong notes kan), but still, klong risau.
hm. klong study dgn lebih baek now, but lack buat soalan, hehe. oyeah, klong salin balik notes pract juga sbb nk bg all notes napak kemas sket n dapat dbaca when needed and faham notes tu.
yes, klong study, bace and buat soalan, salin notes balek. klong salu bace before and aft lectr and pract but now klong skip bace before sbb xsempat nak buat all, plus klong nak buat GnA(general and admin-ibu ajar hehe) gak hehe.
but klong always risau. mende yg klong faham and igt, jadi cam sink dalam otak bila blaja mende baru few weeks later. klong tao sume tu, bile buat soalan klong tao tapi, xigt, xleh nak luahkan. not all lah. certain things. cam klong nak luahkan sbb klong tao tp xleh.
abah rase ape solution nye? hehe. klong harap abah leh jawab semua persoalan klong ni.
oyeah. klong x update sal akhirat lg kan hehe. hm, tyme solat klong solat, now better sket sbb klong try solat awl waktu. still maintain bace quran tyme maghrib, tyme laen er, x. hehe. and always 2muka surat and klong tambah sket dgn bace tafsir pages yg klong bace haritu. haha. klong xkhatam lagilah sbb klong restart balik bace so klong leh bace tafsir dye. solat sunat ade lah, erm, mane yg mampu hehe.
yasin, er, dlm process pembaikan TwT. always boleh bace, klong dgr mp3 yasin tu klong leh bace and still hafal cume kdg2 terlupe sket, sket je, and tersilap sket, sket je >w< .
and haha. klong sdang improve doa2 klong hehe. mane mampu klong cube lah panjang kan wirid solat mghrb tu. hehe. doa pun tgh improve hehe. tambah2 sket. ^~^.
hm, tu jelah kot sal persiapan akhirat.hehe.
kalo abah nak tambah mane2 part dipersilakan, ibu and adek2 pun blh. ^~^.
klong makin risau ngn midterm ni, hm, klong bace lectr yg klong belum bace lagi haritu and buat soalan. tu je. haha, ssh gak nak maintan buat all subj sbb integrated paper utk midterm plus, xde, mmg xpernah ade past yr midterm xm, haha, mujurlah klong banyak buku2 mcq jadi boleh buat soalan.
sronok buat soalan tp kdg2 slow esp yg subjective sbb klong x igt so salin dr buku hehe. tp klong rase happy buat soalan, cume kurang happy sbb x dpt buat banyak2.
tulah. hm..iA klong try byk bace quran esp tyme stress, thnx sbb abah hantar msg tadi ^~^. maybe klong depress sket kot haha, klong try recover soon ^~^ so don't worry okay.haha.
hm..tu je kot. nati ade pape klong btao lg eh. klong harap abah dpt reply soon lah semua persoalan klong. abah xreply kat blog pun xpe, kat email pun not bad ^~^. kalo text msg okay tp, klong prefer abah reply thru extranet hehe (blaja dlm ICDL-international computer driving license)
oyeah. now ade subjc baru, medical ethics and ICDL. hm, xlame lagi start subj elective plak, arabic handwriting, klong amik, hehe, cam blaja tulisan khat lah. xde exam, snang sket hehe. tp tulah, sbb ramai student utk each elect. subj. so, grup klong plak kne sem 2 jd menanti kehadiran nnya lah haha.
okayh, anything, ti klong inform lg. hoping for your reply soon. ^~^.
Wednesday, April 7, 2010

salam, ^~^ just nak update sket, hehe(xhabes habes ngn hehe..hehe)
kaklong sehat alhamdulillah, tapi still batuk2 and ade seseme(selesema).
study okay cuma nak rushing wat soalan, sbb midterm 10hb apr ni, dah tuka tarekh from 8hb.
jadi next week bakal start block baru, GIT (gastrointestinaltract system)
GIT ni semua yg related ngn abdomen, cam stomach, intestine dan adek bradek dye kat stu hehe.
now, ade notice baru dari MARA, repeat yr akan ditarek biasiswa serta merta. haha. klong maseh trauma lagi ngn fail therefore, klong maseh trauma lg tiap kali nak dpt result sebb takut sgt fail dan harap2 sgt walau apepun xfail. haih. xnak fail lgsg kalo boleh. cukoplah. TwT.
kaklong agak sgt busy gaklah now. even ade free pun klong xleh nak freekan. now week ni ade 2 3 hari free, xde lecture but still ade kelas but klong xleh nak freekan. hanya mase ni nak setle study yg lom setle and bace and salin notes klong and buat soalan. haha. now klong dah kurang siket, sgt kot, ber tenet(surfing). kaklong jarang bukak acer. erm, kdg2 bukaklah, bertenet2 1 2 jam ke, tenet2 kejap ke, tapi lately dah bbrp hari, ni br hr ni n smalam activ balek, sekejap jelah. dun wurry, saya dah boleh kawal, hehe. so, ade kdg2 tenet tp liatlah nak on9 ym. cek mail n blog je. and kdg2 cari xtra info tuk bace. then klong bukak tyme makan haha. tgk series tyme makan hehe. tapi kalo dye mati tetibe klong biarjelah.haha mean satu citer leh makan 2 3 hari nak hbs kan hehe. sbb klong tgk tyme makan.
klong nye headset xelok and fan dah er..mati hehe, jadi t lepas xm klong nak plan kua beli fan n headsetlah, senang nak skype. klong xnak pinjam org punya, t rosak, 2 3 kali lepas kite skype klong pinjam kawn pnya. boleyh tak nati kite skype bile klong dah stable sket n dah ade headset sniri and fan? klong nk skype tp nak pastikan semua mende tu klong ade, senang sket.
erm haha. klong saje je ckp ni. hehe. just nak btau, klong kan ske cakap. hehe. ti kan, klong rase, start next yr erm, er..hehe..klong terima dgn ikhlas every present utk bday klong hehe. but if klong diberi pilihan, anything, accessory ke keperluan ke, or pape ke, klong nak mitak yg medical related ye, hehe.
tapi klong still suke kalo ibu abah and adek2 nak bagi present cam tahun ni and tahun lepas ^~^
sgt bermakna, sbb mane klong pergi, ''die ikut''. wlaupun klong xsedar klong bawa family kaklong dgn adanya die, hehe, klong ttp sayangkan ''die'' ^~^ sbb tu klong kalo bolh xnak bukak dye sbb klong nak family klong je yg pakaikan and bukakan dye hehehehehe.
erm, klong pn nak start plan budget utk buku2 apart from pakaian and etc. klong igt kalo klong kat msia n ade karnival buku, blh lah klong pergi, sbb buku medic kat msia ssh gak nak cari. klong wonder if kat carnival tu ade buku2 medic yg murah, hehe.
ni klong terfikir sbb tempias dr ma'arad kutub kat sni hehe. pesta buku.er, book fair. kat sni kat cairo punya yg international, dah 2 kali ade tp klong xpergi sbb b4 ni x terpikir nak g sbb xde buku yg klong berhajat pun. tapi now fikir2 balek ade certain things yg klong nak yg xde n ssh ak cari n mahal, jadi kalo kat book fair maybe leh jumpe yg berpatutan n yg berkenan. ni sbb hr tu g tgk book fair kat alex, alex ade satu, time winterbreak haritu hehe. and also sbb baru2 ni klong lepak kat library, first time ushar semua buku kat library(library xbanyak buku, tapi semua napak baru2).
hehe. tu jelah kot. erm, nati ade pape lagi klong gtau eh. nati klong post email kat abah yg klong ade tuleh kat blog ni. erm, igt nak bg jadual tp keep on changing so t klong just bg any VI(very important) dates. ^~^
oyeah. penat jugalah balek n pergi jalan kaki but best ^~^ haha sbb dpt burn few calories evn xbyk pun hoho. penat. mmg penat. pergi je dlm 15-20 min. sapai sane kne naek trun tangga. dgn lab bio nye tingkat 6. mak aih. sempot den. hahahahahaha. xpe, tgh dlm acclimetization(term blaja dlm physio block respi.-respiration hehe) phase hehe, xlame lg (bila agaknye tuh?) adapt lah kot.haha.
kim salam sayang and rindu kat semua esp ibrahim ^~^
doakan klong tabah n kuat xm baru ni and xter-bias dr plan ^~^
xsabar nak balek msia.
xsabar nak skype. sdh sbb hr tu skype gne tepon je TwT hehe
dun wurry klong paham semua ade keje kne settle n klong xtao semua org syg klong jd abah ibu jgn lah risau ^~^
nati blk msia klong akan busy gak tyme buat attachment tu. dlm mgu kot. hm, kne bw balek buku patho neh. t kalo dpt klong ask tips len2 plak from seniors haha. busy sapai semua xleh nak jupe haha. seniors pun ssh nak jupe, kebetulan je kalo bertembung haha.
oyeah, now kat u baru ni ade tahun 1 2 3 je, 4 xde, dorg kat u lame.
ok tu jelah kot.
if anything, klong cntct nad update lg.
kalo urgent klong msg k.
sayang semua. salam.

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